So I’ve finally decided that from today, my posts will be hosted myself, instead of exclusive to LinkedIn and instead, extracts will be pointed to LinkedIn that lead back to the rest of the post here.

I’ve done this because although LinkedIn is great, it doesn’t actually allow me to structure content in the way I want to.

I might want to create a post that is small, but still have formatting layouts that help explain a series of pictures. Or, I might want a few pictures and a video.

LinkedIn cannot provide me a solution to my problems. I want to be able to schedule posts, and not have to pay for the likes of Hootsuite, or anything else to achieve it.

What’s the “End Goal”

Right now, I don’t really know. I’m currently producing a new course on TIA Portal and Asset-Oriented design. It won’t be ready for a while, but a landing page will appear here soon enough, detailing where I am in development and what to expect the course to run through.

I guess I’m experimenting now. I enjoy writing and I can put a post together much faster than I can put a course together, so I suppose byte-size and regular content is a little more attractive than lavish courses right now, despite me making one currently.

I’m also open to the idea of being more than just automation. I do a variety of different things in my life, automation is just one of them. I have a great family and fantastic kids, perhaps one day there may be a subdomain dedicated to other aspects of my life.

I needed a platform to just do whatever I want, and now that I have that, let’s just see where things go!

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